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Benefits of Talus

The simplest way to win freelance MedComms jobs from home and grow your remote Medical Writing career

Grow your reputation and win more remote work

Talus makes it simple to find briefs, and win remote writing jobs for leading agencies.

Work with the world’s smartest agencies

Win remote medical writing jobs from leading MedComms agencies all over the world.

Fulfil your professional potential

Optimise your schedules, grow your career, win writing jobs and generate consistent income from vetted agencies.

Focus on your work, not your admin

Trust Talus to make time for your talents, handling the contracts and invoices so you can maximise your productivity.

Collaborate with agency clients

Simple progress tracking and instant messaging means you can work seamlessly with your clients no matter where you - or they - are.

Evolve the way you work

Showcasing your talents, attract clients as your profile and presence automatically grows, and improve your efficiency.

Get Started Put your profile in front of leading global agencies
Features of Talus

Instantly improve your professional life - win global Medical Copywriting jobs

Reach global agencies searching for your skills

Focus on remote healthcare copywriting jobs that showcase your skills

Consistent, fair rates with no fees or hidden costs

Thorough vetting to grow your reputation

Full control over your availability as you choose short and long term writing jobs

Full oversight with progress monitoring

Detailed briefing processes and seamless collaboration

In-built contracting and invoicing processes

How Talus Works

Three simple steps to find the right remote freelance Healthcare Copywriting jobs

1. Sign Up

If you specialise in MedComms, and can be endorsed by at least two previous clients or colleagues, you’re eligible to sign up. You’ll be asked to confirm your availability, set your rates and review our user agreement.

2: Get Verified

After you’ve applied, we’ll check your two endorsements and ask for your company and financial details. Once everything’s been checked, we’ll verify you as a freelance MedComms expert.

3: Start Working

Once you’re verified, you’re free to accept requests from agencies, work on MedComms projects from home, receive briefs and start submitting work for approval. Congratulations - you’re evolving the way you work.

Get Started Find MedComms jobs quickly and easily
Frequently Asked Questions

How can working with Talus change the way you work from home and help you find remote Freelance Healthcare Communications Jobs?

Why would I choose to use Talus?

Because our platform makes it easier for you to work on freelance Medical Copywriting jobs from home. It’s as simple as that.

Talus empowers you to work with more clients than ever before. And we’ll make that work simpler than ever, with comprehensive job flows that improve the quality of briefs, reduce the time you need to spend on unbillable admin, and ensure you earn competitive rates that reflect your expertise.

Does Talus charge a subscription?


Freelancers don’t pay a penny to use Talus. You will see your rate card during your sign up, and that’s what you’re paid.. We negotiate our fees separately with agencies.

What are my rates?

Your rates are the amount you agree to charge for a specific kind of job.

They are specific to your region and the kind of expertise you have.

How do clients find me through Talus?

By using our platform’s search and filter functions.

The moment you’re verified, you’re visible to agencies around the globe. But we work to match you with jobs that suit your specific skills and experience, so you can showcase your talents and earn those verified reviews that’ll make you even more attractive to agencies.

Once a client finds you, they’ll send you an availability request – so keep a close eye on your dashboard.

How do I communicate with my agency client?

Talus’ bespoke job flow makes communication simple.

You can communicate with the agency hiring you directly through the platform. Talus provides you with tailored forms and response buttons to make sure you’re able to access briefs and keep clients informed about your progress, while built-in instant messaging allows you to keep your communications organised and find direction quickly when needed.

How do I review my client?

With Talus’ built-in review infrastructure.

Once a job is complete, we’ll ask you to submit a review that covers your experience working with the agency who selected you for that job. They’ll also be asked to do the same, so that everyone on the platform can make an informed choice about who they work with.

How do I get paid?

We make payment simple and straightforward.

We know you’re not paid to create, send and chase invoices, so we handle all of that for you. As soon as a job is complete, we’ll generate an invoice and request payment – while you keep track of the process from the financials tab. Once the client pays, we use Wise to transfer the money into your chosen account in your chosen currency.

How complex are the tax considerations?

No matter where you are based, we keep tax simple.

Provide Talus with your relevant tax details, and we’ll make sure the correct tax amounts are included on every invoice generated on your behalf. That’s it.

You will still need to complete your own company or self-employment assessments, as required by the laws of your country.

How do contracts work on Talus?

To see the brief you will first need to agree to a job-specific non-disclosure agreement (via tick-box). Once you have reviewed the brief, you will then need to agree to the job contract (also via tickbox) in order to accept the brief. It’s to protect you, and the client.

Where can I work?

We accept freelancers from seven geographies.

You’ll work remotely, from home, your office, or anywhere you can get into the flow of completing remote MedComms jobs.

We currently have a range of freelancers in the USA, Canada, UK, the European Union, India, Australia and New Zealand. MedComms agencies are looking for global talent, so wherever you’re based, we can help find you the right projects to work on.

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Are you joining Talus as an agency or a freelancer?

Agencies Freelancers